Friday, January 17, 2014


I found this article by a blogger on Blogspot.

Leah Krause writes, "One reason that these people support Network Marketing is because it is the most inexpensive business training available. Entrepreneurs who want to build businesses will learn the skills such as public speaking, sales, having a positive mind set, being a team player and organizational skills which apply to all aspects of your life." 

Ms. Krause summed it up nicely in that paragraph. These are key words for a resume in any field if you decide to work a 9 to 5 job. My job is 6 to 2:30, but I am not complaining because I actually like my job.

So for me getting into the network marketing (again) has been enjoyable. It came in the rough part of my life but now it is moving in the best part of my life. I have a job that I love. I love my product. I love the potential residual income. And I love my team. I love that this has become a family home based business. My nephew enrolled me and my daughter...I enrolled my mother and brother-in-law...and my son and nephew will enroll when they turn 18. However, that is a few family members....we haven't gotten started. And I love that I am working closely with my friends, new friends, and a full team.

Best of all, it gives me an excuse to talk to people about this great product because I know it is good for you.

Keep checking out my blog as I grow.
The future Network Marketing rep and customer. He loves the product and will grow with it until he is old enough to join the business

Brand Partner, Ashley, BioLife Technician, married, is building a future for her daughter who is also a customer. Future Network Marketing Brand Partner.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


In several weeks, I will begin working with a non-profit organization called "Cry of the Children " founded by Mrs. Dellsie Boddie. I have worked with her and enjoyed her programs to help high risk children.

Mrs. Dellsie Boddie has seen me go through life as a fighter for my children, my family, finances, employment, education, business, etc...

So she wants me to help set up a workshop to help other women to prove to them that it can be done.

I am not any better than any of these women, but I know what is best for my family and for myself.  I just want to share my story.

Here is my story.


When I was with my son's father, he took care of us. He worked. He was a good provider. But we didn't agree how to raise a family. Besides all these issues, when my son turned 16 months I decided to get a job because I started having second thoughts about our future. And I predicted that he would leave. And if he left, then my financial support would go with him. So I got a job. I saved money. And a year later, we broke up. And he wasn't planning to help anymore.

This is the message for women who are married or lives with a boyfriend/girlfriend. Never depend on your partner to take care of you financially. If he/she does, then save the money you earn. Home Based Business is great way to keep your commitment to stay home if you don't want to be part of the work force. But if you don't build a skill, then you are reducing your employment opportunities in this extremely competitive market.

Home Based Business reads self-motivator and determined to succeed.

As an entrepreneur I always put my businesses on my resume. It didn't matter if I made a dime. It was the work that I had to do like customer service, organizing, budgeting, filing, etc.

Make your own money and good luck with your relationship.


Chrissi, College Student

Dollie (writer, lawyer, wife) and Sojourner  (Senior Engineer Drafter; single mother)

Heather (Hospital Administrator, wife, mother)

College Student

These women are Vemma's  Lady Bosses ( Lady Boss Revolution. #LBR)  The women on our team are growing.  We represent all ages of women. We are college students, working women, self-employed, mothers, married women, single women, etc. But we have one thing in common. We are ENTREPRENEURS and working toward FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

Come join us

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Educating People about Alternative Beverages

My business is basically to educate people to learn about an alternative beverage that has organic liquified vitamin formula.

I do not work for the company because I do not pull a hourly wage or salary.

I invest in the business by purchasing additional product and my time. I wouldn't have to buy additional product if I didn't drink most of it.

So I am saving, because I don't buy Arizona Tea every day. I drink ParTea. I don't drink Mountain Dew, I drink Verve. And I don't  do horse pill vitamins, I do a single shot of the Vemma formula.

God I Love It!

Try it out!!!!!

“We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work”
  by Thomas Edison

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

University of Napoleon Hill, Class of Forever

I was listening to "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill on YouTube. It wasn't the complete book but it got me excited.

I have own the book since the 1990's because I wanted to "learn" but I have never had a "mentor" and a "leader" to keep my focus on the message.

I always meant to finish the book but I never did until recently. With a lot of disappointments in relationships and career choice (trying to make it in the film industry). I put them on the back burner. I went back to school to study a field that I could receive a nice hourly wage. However, I am depending on my education and talent  to maintain this new career choice.

I was introduced to VEMMA after I graduated from a 2 year program at Ivy Tech Community College. I was offered two jobs but they fell through because of a failed budget plan...a campus and government budget failure....It hurt because I was using up all my savings to pay bills. I had to cut out things out of my life. I don't regret not having cable which was done before all of it.

So I had to start selling on-line and do flea markets (again). I wasn't afraid of hard work because it was mine. However, disappointment and negative thoughts continue to dominate me mentally.

I was at the end of my rope when I was introduced to VEMMA. My sister insisted I attend this meeting to support my nephew (who just enrolled as a brand partner). My daughter was interested in it too. I felt betrayed by them because I am thinking "where is my support when I needed it?" Then my sister asked me, "Who did you ask, not me?" I realized that I was being selfish. After arguing with her for 30 minutes in front of Salvation Army to find hidden treasures to sell on EBay. I decided to go. I was tired and moody.

After receiving Verve, I enjoyed the taste but I didn't care for the word "energy" drink. So my focus was on the business plan aka compensation plan. And that GOT ME.

But still, I had the old school thinking....Multi Level Marketing....which I had done in the past but failed. It wasn't the product but the leaders and myself. I didn't believe in it. I liked the product but I was not a consumer of the product. FAILED!!!!!

After doing nothing for a month in the business, I was caught in the "ME ME ME". I had done my nephew a favor, but I didn't realize I was hurting myself.  MLM thinking. After talking to him, I realized he was making more money than me. I was working the hardest (at least physically and mentally...Ebay and any on-line selling can break a person...I have seen it). So I listened to a video by a guy name Varun Nigam. He said, "Make Vemma a business, not a hobby". My mind switched....I made my on-line business into a my on-line hobby. I have never looked  back.

With the months of doing this business, I received disappointments by people "I thought would say "yes"" until I read Go Pro and start plugging into the business. I started listening and following.

One thing I had learned, yes, this business is a Network Marketing company. However, it is a  MULTI VOLUME MARKETING company that uses the SOCIAL NETWORK MARKETING which the most effective marketing strategy called the WORD OF MOUTH.

Follow my team because we are the Class of Forever in the University of Napoleon Hill.

Visit my website at Team of UpRise (OPR) and JetLife (YPR)

Monday, January 6, 2014


We are living in a new financial world that we call the NEW ECONOMY. The secret of success has hit the internet and has exploded.

With technology, we can do business in the comfort of our own home, as I am doing now.

EBay and Amazon had made people a lot of money through hard work and dedication. It had helped people supplement their income as EBay has done for me years ago. But it is a lot of work. It is also a lot of investment in time, material, and products just to make a single sale.

Home based businesses are growing because the job market is shrinking.

People are returning to school because there is a demand in certain areas like healthcare, but now, that is questionable unless you are willing to move. There is no guarantee you will have a job after graduation and get the pay you want.

I always recommended if you have talent, market your talent. You are  your first investor. Etsy had opened this venue for crafty artists to sell their work. They have a great support community and listing fees are extremely low to keep your product listed for months.

After plugging three of the on-line sites, I am a customer and have been a seller on 2 of these sites.

But the business that is going to get me to my financial freedom is VEMMA and a second business that I will be enrolling soon. It has a great compensation plan and I love the products.

So if you are interested in a great business opportunity that can get you healthy and wealthy, visit my site and message me at or

Making a profit is better than making a wage. Profit is limitless.

The second home based business will be announced in February.